Collecting-plant-specimens-at-Kovalam-beach,-Kerala.-Dept During-Excursion-at-Jabbalpur,-Dhoadhar-Falls,-Dept.-of-Geography-&-Env.-Sc.

The objective is the expose the students to other institution of higher learning/ corporate/business house etc.

  • Students are exposed to different reputed institutions and renowned faculties during excursions conducted by the different departments
  • Different faculties sometimes arrange excursions to different industrial concerns and there students as well as teachers try to get enriched through academic interaction with these courses
  • Almost all the departments, particularly those, which have excursion as a part of their syllabus conduct educational tours every year
  • Students concerned can also draw insights about it from the interaction with the industrial concerns visited by the students, particularly of the Commerce departments during excursions
  • The College encourages and funds excursions conducted by different departments


env-sc-skikkim-mountain-sloap Excursion-team-of-the-Geography-Dept
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